Hope of the Nations: an intercultural night of worship

posted in: ICOMB Update

In a taste of Revelation 7:9, Mennonite Brethren churches of Winnipeg, Canada, from many nations gathered on December 9, 2018 to worship together in their heart languages.

Bomba Ng’andu (Manitoba Conference staff member) led a worship band with a multicultural team. Members of host church Portage Avenue presented a liturgical dance to a Korean worship song and a Scripture reading in Russian.

The Chinese congregation sang vigorously in Cantonese and read scripture in both Mandarin and Cantonese.

Katherine Thomas and Evelyn Richards from Turtle Island Community Church offered a drum song according to Indigenous culture.

After ICOMB executive director Rudi Plett’s inspiring message on Luke 2: “In the Presence of All Peoples,” the service culminated in an African-style offering taking. As the choir sang a rousing worship song, the congregation danced or marched forward to contribute to the ongoing ministry of ICOMB in drawing MB churches into fellowship around the world.

Thanks to the Manitoba Conference, Canadian Conference, Portage Avenue Church, and Multiply for a great collaboration for this event!