Mennonite Brethren

The Mennonite Brethren Church is rooted in the Anabaptist movement of the 16th century Reformation, a movement that sought to recapture the faith and life of the New Testament church. The Mennonite Brethren Church was born within the Mennonite renewal in Russia in 1860. World mission and migration have produced a Church that circles the globe. As a world wide MB fellowship we commit ourselves to be a people of God.


The Bible is the authoritative Word of God and the infallible guide for faith and life.

World view:

The Bible provides the framework for our understanding of the world.


Our interpretation is Christ-centered. We read the Scriptures with a New Testament perspective. The person, teaching, and life of Jesus Christ bring continuity and clarity to both the Old and New Testaments.

Community of interpretation:

Every believer is encouraged to seek to understand the Bible in order to discern God 's will for obedience. Since the Holy Spirit is present and active in all believers, we read and interpret the Bible and its demands for today's life in community.

Scripture references: Genesis 1-3; 12, 1-3; Exodus 6,6-8; Ps. 8; Isa. 49,6;Jer. 9,23-24; 31,37-34; Hos. 2, 19-20 Matt. 4, 17; 25,46; Mark8,34-38; Luke4, 18-19;John 3, 16; Acts 2; Rom 8; 1 Cor. 11,23-32; 7 2, 7 3; 15; 2 Cor. 5, 17-6,2; Eph. 1, 13-14; 2,8-10; 6, 10-12; Co/.2, 12-15; 1 Thes.4, 13-5, 11; 2 Tim. 3, 16-17;Hebr. 7,25; Rev.21-22


By God ‘s grace the Holy Spirit calls people to a new way of life through conversion, discipleship and ongoing renewal.


Christian conversion begins with new birth and always involves a deliberate personal commitment. As Christians we are called to turn from a broken relationship with God to a personal relationship with the true God and from bondage of sin and past mistakes to freedom, forgiveness, and healing.


In Christ salvation and ethics come together. As Christians we are called to turn from individualism to interdependence with others in the church and to prove ourselves faithful to the life and teachings ofJesus in everyday life.


The Holy Spirit indwells every believer, testifying that we are God 's children, offering continua! renewal and cleansing in order to empower for a life of witness and service.

Scripture references: Is. 43, 7; Mark 8,34-38:John 1, 12-73; 3,5-8; 74, 75-76,26; Rom. 8; 1 Cor. 4,2; Col. 3, 1-4; Tit. 3,3-7