ICOMB awards scholarship

ASUNCIÓN, Paraguay

Yadira Ocampo Photo: Courtesy ICOMB

Yadira Ocampo
Photo: Courtesy ICOMB

Through the Global Scholarship Fund, the International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is helping the global MB family foster a heart for mission to the world, from the world.

The Global Scholarship Fund grants annual bursaries to students from the Global South who are nominated by their national ICOMB church.

One of this year’s recipients is Yadira Ocampo, a young leader from the Mexican MB conference who begins studies in theology at Paraguay’s Instituto Bíblico Asunción this fall.

A graduate from the University of Guadalajara with nutritionist certification, Ocampo is pursuing training to follow her call to mission work in Angola with her husband Mathias Epp.



Read the full story at the MB Herald.