50th Anniversary!

posted in: ICOMB Update

Colegio Americas Unidas celebrated their 50th anniversary in operation as a Mennonite Brethren Christian school, on Dec 11-12. Victor Wall of Paraguay, Education Facilitator for ICOMB represented our global family. Six leaders from Mennonite Church USA school support programs also attended, as Colegio has sent exchange students to Christopher Dock Mennonite High School for many years.

David was together this summer with Alexandra Rojas, Principal; and Virgelino Cordoba, teacher and church planter in Cali. The school has planted a growing church as part of its mission in Cali. Victor Wall was also with them.

Victor reports: the celebration lasted about 4 hours, with a sermon by Diego Martinez (Colombia MB Conference President), worshipful singing, and good participation by the pupils. The story of the school was presented with a video and short overview by Principal Alexandra Rojas. They handed out plaques to former principals and other people that played important roles during these 50 years. Mr. Peter Loewen was considered a key player in the history of Colegio Amércias Unidas.