Pathway to Hope

I’ve been privileged to study Romans 5 with people in different countries and interact about their source of hope. Paul teaches that there’s a “pathway to hope” founded on our faith in Jesus Christ (v.1). “…we also rejoice in our … Read More

Gifts We Didn’t Know We Needed

I just completed a week in Paraguay on my fraternal visit to the Spanish and German Conferences. I spoke in chapel at IBA – Instituto Biblico Asuncion. It’s a vibrant, growing school, providing a solid foundation of Christian discipleship and … Read More

Palm Sunday in Tavira, Portugal

Two years ago, I was in Portugal with my wife. We had the privilege of being in the town of Tavira for Palm Sunday. This presented a new experience for us. They advertised a holy parade. It consisted of 10-12 … Read More

Community – Life on Life Discipleship

While I was in Thailand, Bob Davis told me a really interesting story about the pre-Changed Life Centre ministry of Phone Keo, church leader. He set up a “fraternity house” as it were for a cohort of students at the … Read More

The Precious Work of Jesus Christ

I will be in India next week, paying a fraternal visit on behalf of ICOMB to our largest Mennonite Brethren conference. I look forward to having Bible studies with pastors in some of the villages. Together with others from MB … Read More

ICOMB Statement to USMB Study Conference 2013

It’s exciting to see our movement making a contribution to God’s kingdom from all over. In this light, ICOMB works to facilitate global theological exchange. We need to hear from each other. We can foster vision, growth and maturity as … Read More

US MB Study Conference Day 3 – Final

Saturday, January 26 Closing Presentations Views from the world: MCC, the Mennonite World Conference, ICOMB and MB Mission. The church around the world frequently suffers for the faith or is impoverished, whether financial or other resources. It was inspiring to … Read More

US MB Study Conference Day 2

Friday January 25 A Long Day with a Lot of Input Roger Poppen made a case for “protective violence”. He worked on personal self-protection protection violence, community protection (police) and national defense (military). Del Gray presented his pathway where he … Read More

US MB Study Conference Day 1

A short daily blog from the US Mennonite Brethren Study Conference – summaries of one or two main points that impacted me, and a comment or two. Leith Anderson – Speaker 1 It’s always helpful to review church history. On … Read More

Where Is Your Home?

In Europe last fall, I observed a development among our churches that got me asking: What binds us together? How do we know where our “home” is? Home is that settled place where we feel most comfortable. Our environment, our … Read More

…And Shalom in the New Year

One week ago 26 people lost their lives in Newtown, Connecticut. Shot down “in cold blood” as they say. It was particularly poignant, because 20 victims were children. My heart goes out to them. People in my circles knew one … Read More

What is God Doing?

This week’s blog is going to be an article in the Paraguay German Conference periodical. What is God Doing? I was hot and thirsty, and couldn’t catch my breath. I was climbing the Trail of Six Glaciers in the Canadian … Read More

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