ICOMB awards scholarship

ASUNCIÓN, Paraguay Yadira Ocampo Photo: Courtesy ICOMB Through the Global Scholarship Fund, the International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is helping the global MB family foster a heart for mission to the world, from the world. The Global Scholarship Fund grants … Read More

One Christian’s Perspective on the Ukraine – Russia Crisis of March 2014

Today, world society is divided on how to assess developments in Ukraine. One demands that we choose sides. But doing so means rejecting those people of good will on the other side of the barricades. At a time like this, … Read More

Culture Shift in Mexico and Brazil

Under a canopy in the warm sun, the delegates of ICPM, the Mexico Mennonite Brethren conference debated a financial challenge. Their leadership development program has begun to pay off with young leaders stepping up toward advanced training. Two young men … Read More

Scholarship recipient gifted to serve

Global friends help pastor study theology LISBON , Portugal As son of the founding pastor, Moisés Mente has been involved in Igreja Evangélica Irmãos Menonitas da Amadora (Amadora Evangelical MB Church) since it began, but he’s still learning. “Bible school … Read More

A Moral Case for the Resurrection

I was enjoying a fast trip through 1 and 2 Thessalonians this morning, when suddenly I was stopped in my tracks by Paul’s instructions about the resurrection and ‘fate’ of the dead and the living at the end of time. … Read More

Loving Constraint

2 Corinthians 5:14 says “the love of Christ constrains me.” I recently experienced a practical definition of constraint, often translated “compel” or “control”. It’s not a word that has many handles on it. On a fraternal visit to Panama recently, … Read More

The Immutable Law of Love

To be immutable is to be unchangeable. Gravity is immutable. It works every time. Thus we have the “law” of gravity. I have done a simple exercise to illustrate: while talking about gravity, I raise my hand to head height … Read More

Henotheists Make Reluctant Pacifists

A favorite author of mine says “Monotheism is a terrible idea but a wonderful discovery.” He explains that it took the exile for Israel to discover monotheism. It was only an idea before they went through the exile and subsequent … Read More

Peace Lessons from the Global MB Family

President of Columbia Bible College Bryan Born called me for some “peace lessons” stories coming out of our global family. He wanted them for a lecture this week. One story comes out of Colombia. The Colombia MB conference is an … Read More

Integrity and Our Community Hermeneutic

This morning I was celebrating the Lord’s Supper with the good folks of Familia de Dios (Family of God) Mennonite Brethren Church in Trujillo, Peru. Pastor George read the 1 Corinthians 11 text to prepare us. Then it hit me: … Read More

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