ICOMB Update December

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The ICOMB Update is out! Subscribe to get it in your inbox – now sent out in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Russian.

Riding the Wave

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The Neuwied church in Germany reached out to Syrian refugees already 2 years ago. Pastor Walter Jakobeit (pictured) now says they hold evangelistic services. Our friend Samir Y spoke recently and over 100 said they wanted to follow Christ. Many … Read More

ICOMB Update November

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The ICOMB Update is out! Subscribe to get it in your inbox – now sent out in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Russian.

Canada – Day of Prayer

posted in: ICOMB Update

Luke 10:2 Jesus calls his followers to pray to the “Lord of the harvest to send out workers.” The field is ready for harvest; its workers that we need. The Canadian church is mobilizing its members to pray on October … Read More

Angola Update

posted in: ICOMB Update

In September the newly elected “COMEX” met to engage their new mandate. Primary goals are to rebuild trust in the national church leadership, and restore a functioning bank account. A big test is under way in asking the churches in five … Read More

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