ICOMB Update October 2015

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In our ICOMB worship service I preached on Luke 5 – the story of Jesus calling Peter, James and John. My central focus was renewal: both individual and corporate. My outline was simple, based on the text: Jesus is our … Read More

Summit Sharing

posted in: ICOMB Update

Every conference was given opportunity to share what God is doing and where they are challenged. Many are working into a vision of church planting – everyone is eager to share the gospel. We listened, interacted, and then gathered around … Read More

Summit Translation

posted in: ICOMB Update

We could not have handled our Summit agenda without translators Marcelo and Miriam Wall (Spanish/German/English), Nzuzi Mukawa (French/English), and Paul Duck (Portuguese/English). Others who helped were Helmuth Boschman and Rodrigo Justino (Portuguese) and Karla Braun (French). Bob Davis translated into … Read More

ICOMB Worship Service

posted in: ICOMB Update

We were blessed to have the time for a worship service prior to our regular Summit meetings. Joe Arrais (Portugal) led singing; Nzuzi Mukawa (Congo) testified to God’s work in DR Congo; David Wiebe preached on Luke 15 and concluded … Read More

Angola Special Assembly

posted in: ICOMB Update

Leaders of IEIMA – the MB church of Angola – met to discern an interim executive committee to serve until 2017. Joana Garcia of Cabinda is now president. She proved to have able leadership qualities when she moderated the last assembly. … Read More

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