—Nlandu Baptista

Listen to one of the inspiring testimonies shared at Thailand 2017. Nlandu João Baptista, mission representative for the Igreja Evangelica dos Irmaos Menonitas en Angola (IEIMA), the Angolan MB Conference, shares his testimony at Thailand 2017. Nlandu was translated from … Read More

Seeing the Harvest…and What is in Our Hands
—Victor Wiens and Jean-Claude Ambeke

  Learn together with the international community of Mennonite Brethren. Listen to Vic Wiens’ plenary talk at Thailand 2017, on Thursday, March 9, 2017, with a testimony from Jean-Claude Ambeke. Vic Wiens is the Mission Capacity Building Coordinator for MB Mission. … Read More

—Walter Jakobeit

Listen to one of the inspiring testimonies shared at Thailand 2017. Walter Jakobeit, leader of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Brüdergemeinden in Deutschland (AMBD), shares his testimony at Thailand 2017. The churches in Germany have been responding to the refugee crisis – … Read More

Bible Study: Ephesians 4
—Mvwala Katshinga

Learn together with the international community of Mennonite Brethren. Listen to Mvwala Katshinga give a Bible Study on Ephesians 4 at Thailand 2017. Mvwala is the leader of evangelism for the Communauté des Églises des Frères Mennonites au Congo (CEFMC) … Read More

—Roman Rakhuba

Listen to one of the inspiring testimonies shared at Thailand 2017. Roman Rakhuba, executive director of the Association of Mennonite Brethren Churches in Ukraine (AMBCU), shares about AMBCU’s ministry to the war-torn areas of eastern Ukraine. They deliver relief kits, … Read More

God’s Hand in People Movements and the Response of the Church
—Johann Matthies

Listen to Johann Matthies, MB Mission Europe, at Thailand 2017 on Thursday, March 9, 2017. Johann is the European Mission Development Director. Johann asks us to consider examples of people movements in Europe: immigrants in Germany; migrants moving away from … Read More

—Yadira Ocampo

Listen to one of the inspiring testimonies shared at Thailand 2017. Trever Godard, MB Mission missionary in Mexico, shares the testimony of God working in the life of Yadira Ocampo. Hear how God led Yadira, a Mexican woman and a … Read More

Bible Study: Ephesians 3
—Pastor Naat

Learn together with the international community of Mennonite Brethren. Listen to Pastor Naat give a Bible Study on Ephesians 3 at Thailand 2017. Pastor Naat is leader of the Thailand MB church. Pastor Naat was translated from Thai by Louise … Read More

—Safari Bahati Mutabesha

  Listen to one of the inspiring testimonies shared at Thailand 2017. Safari Bahati Mutabesha, a Congolese refugee living in Malawi, challenged and inspired the assembly with his story of radical forgiveness. Listen to the full testimony, translated from French … Read More

The Church On Mission Through Prayer
—David Wiebe

  Listen to the Plenary talk that opened Thailand 2017. David Wiebe, ICOMB director, kicked off the program on Tuesday, March 7. David asked: after 130 years of mission activity, where is God leading us now as a global family? Listen … Read More

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