The Global Scholarship Fund helps students in less-resourced countries to obtain advanced education to equip them for leadership in their national conference. They apply each year for each year of school, and ICOMB’s International Scholarship Fund Committee allocates the annual earnings from our endowment corpus.
As our global family grows, more and more pastors and church leaders are applying. Our record shows this training tool is advancing maturity, leadership development within our national conferences and results in strong churches and mission effort from within.Please join in this valuable program by contributing in one of the ways described below. We have a goal to raise our corpus to $2 million – which will double annual allocations to $60-70,000.
Options for Investment
General Endowments
ICOMB has created endowed accounts at both US MB Foundation and Canadian MB Stewardship Ministries for contributions of any size at any time. Annual earnings from the corpus are disbursed for students each year.
US Donors to the General Endowment
Online: US Donations to the GSF
By check:
- Make your check payable to USMB Conference;
- Indicate “Global Scholarship Fund” in the memo line;
- Mail to:
ICOMB at USMB Conference
7348 W. 21st Street. #115
Wichita, KS 67205-1765
Canadian Donors to the General Endowment
Online: Canadian Donations to the GSF
By cheque:
- Make your cheque payable to CCMBC (or Canadian MB Conference);
- Indicate “Global Scholarship Fund” in the memo line;
- Mail to:
1310 Taylor Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3M 3Z6
Named Scholarships
You may wish to leave a legacy in the name of yourself, family member, church, missionary, organization, etc. Within this framework, you can then identify an area of study (theological, medical, education, business or other sphere of study) in which students may receive funds.
In addition you may wish to further focus your interest: identify a country or region; or identify a school toward which the earnings will be directed.
For example, a donor set up a fund in their name, and all earnings will go to the Mennonite Brethren College in India. The college has freedom to apply these funds toward administration, special projects or a specific program/faculty.
To explore setting up a named scholarship:
Contact David Wiebe, ICOMB Executive Director, email
Annual Fund
MB Mission Project 0642 collects and disburses all funds received annually to students. Donate here.