The Higher Education Consultations of 2007 and 2011 developed goals for Faculty Exchanges between our schools. The purpose is to take advantage of a growing body of “Global Wisdom” that can be found in our teachers and professors around the world. We can take advantage of this wisdom through faculty exchanges – whether through “Skype” lectures and dialogues with a classroom, or through a visiting lecture for a day, week or semester of classes.

The ICOMB Global Higher Education School Directory is provided here to help interested schools and teachers with related information toward this end.

Instituto Biblico E. Universitario Menonita de Angola (IBUMA)
Founded: 1996 as the Institut Biblique de Missiologie en Angola (IBMA)
Sponsor: Mennonite Brethren Church of Angola (IEIMA)
Location: Luanda
Mission: The formation and growth of the church
Degrees: Certificates, diplomas, bachelors
Curriculum: Biblical and theological, missiology and social and human sciences
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural, national and regional
Website: Not available
Director: Bosco Nzambi W. Email:

Mennonite Brethren Bible Schools of Congo
Institut Biblique de Kikwit (founded: 1932)
Institut Biblique de Nzashi Mwadi (founded: 1984)
Institut Biblique de Kajiji (founded: 1997)
Institut Biblique de Panzi (founded: 2000)
Sponsor: Mennonite Brethren Churches of Congo (CEFMC)
Mission: Training leaders for local churches, evangelists and missionaries
Degrees: Secondary school diplomas
Curriculum: Biblical studies; practical theology including evangelism, mission, and pastoral ministry; along with social and community development, peacemaking and human rights
Student body: Multi-denominational and multi-cultural
Websites: Not available.
Contact: Mambakila Kabemba Gérard, Secretaire General & Representant Legal of CEFMC. Email:

Centre Universitaire de Missiologie (C.U.M)
Founded: 1990 (Nzash Lumeya, Founding Director)
Sponsor: Evangelical churches
Location: Kinshasa
Mission: To equip women and men in missions and church leadership
Degrees: Certificates, diplomas and masters in Missiology
Curriculum: Theology, behavioral sciences and counseling
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and regional
President: Sita Luemba Dieudonne. Email:
Academic Dean: Mukawa Nzuzi. Email:

Universite Chrétienne de Kinshasa (UCKin)
Founded: 1995 (successor to ETEK, the Evangelical School of Theology in Kinshasa [1967-1974] and ISTK, the Higher Institute of Theology in Kinshasa [1974-1995])
Sponsors: Mennonite Brethren Church of Congo (CEFMC), Mennonite Church of Congo (CMCo), British Baptist Church (CBEFC), Swedish Baptist Church (CEC), American Baptist Church (CBCO), and Baptist Church (CBEU)
Location: Kinshasa
Mission: To contribute actively to the development of the Church of Christ in Congo by the production, transmission and acquisition of knowledge and culture. To this end, the Christian University of Kinshasa’s objective is to train senior managers for various ministries of the church and for the development of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Degrees: Associate, bachelors, and doctorate in medicine
Curriculum: Bible/theology/ministry; business administration, economics and development; medicine; and teacher preparation (secondary level).
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and regional (e.g. Congo Brazzaville, Angola, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan and Kenya)
President: Mbelolo ya Mpiku. Email:
Secrétaire Général Académique: Mbimbi Pierre. Email:
Dean of the School of Theology: Matungulu Givule Floribert.

Meserete Kristos College
Founded: 1997 (successor to the Meserete Kristos Church Bible Institute, 1994-1997, and the prior Bible School “without walls” that was formed during the period of communist rule during which time the church was banned.
Sponsor: Meserete Kristos Church (Mennonite Church of Ethiopia)
Location: Debre Zeit. Branch campuses in Addis Ababa, Nazareth, Nekempt, Hossana, and Meta Robi
Mission: To conduct an effective, Christo-centric educational program in order to present servant graduates passionately committed to the transformation of society.
Degrees: Certificates, diplomas, bachelors and masters, the latter in cooperation with Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Curriculum: Bible, Christian ministries and beginning liberal arts programs in a move to become a full Christian university
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and regional/international
President: Ato Kiros Teka Haddis. Email:
Academic Dean : Gishu Jebecha. Email:

Mennonite Brethren Centenary Bible College
Founded: 1989 (successor to Bethany Bible Institute, 1920–1967, and Mennonite Brethren Bible Institute, 1967- 1989)
Sponsor: Mennonite Brethren Church of India
Location: Shamshabad
Mission: To impart a systematic and holistic theological education and Christian nurture grounded in the truth of the Holy Bible with a Christo-centric approach; to provide leadership training in the various ministries of the Church with an Anabaptist emphasis; to equip men and women with the sound knowledge of the Word of God to serve the Church as well as the society at large irrespective of caste, creed, race, religion or social status.
Degrees: Diploma in Christian Studies (Dip.C.S.), Bachelor of Ministry (B.Min), and Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.)
Curriculum: Bible, theology, practical theology and ministry, history of Christianity, pastoral care and counseling, peace studies
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and regional (South Asia)
Principal: I.P. Asheervadam. Email:
Academic Dean: C.S. Joel. Email:

Mennonite Brethren Junior College
Founded: 1988
Sponsor: Mennonite Brethren Church of India
Location: Mahbubnagar
Mission: To educate, in particular, poor Mennonite and other Christians and so prepare them for active service and ministry in the church and society; and also to educate non-Christians along with sharing the Gospel with them.
Degrees: Diploma (what is known as +2 education in India)
Curriculum: General courses are offered in science, commerce and the liberal arts; vocational courses are offered in health, medical lab-technician and computer science and engineering.
Student Body: Multi-denominational and multi-cultural
Website: Not available
Principal: Abraham Prakash. Email:

Evangelical Biblical Seminary (EBS)
Founded: 1977 (successor to the Mennonite Brethren Biblical Institute, 1957-1961; Osaka Biblical Seminary, 1961- 1971; Evangelical Biblical Institute, 1971-1977)
Sponsor: Japan Mennonite Brethren Conference
Location: Osaka
Mission: To provide theological education based on the Bible for students to have the viewpoint of mission and peace; to train pastors who are equipped to do the work of ministry in local congregations.
Degrees: None
Curriculum: Bible, biblical languages, theology, ministry/mission, music
Student Body: Mennonite Brethren and multi-denominational
President: Shinji Takeda. Email:
Academic Dean: Hironori Minamino. Email:
Bibelseminar Bonn
Founded: 1993
Sponsors: Bund Taufgesinnter Gemeinden (BTG) and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft evangelikaler Gemeinden (AeG)
Location: Bornheim-Roisdorf
Mission: To help students to cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, to gain tools for studying and understanding the Bible, to acquire practical skills for service in the church, and to develop a mission- oriented worldview.
Degrees: Certificate, bachelor equivalent, and masters
Curriculum: Certificate (one year), college (three years), children and youth missionary (three years), seminary (five years) in cooperation with Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, Texas), and continuing/community education
Student Body: Mainly descendants of Russian/Soviet Baptists/Mennonites
President: Heinrich Derksen. Email:
Academic Dean : Gerhard Schmidt. Email :
LCC International University (formerly Lithuania Christian College)
Founded: 1992 (successor to English language institutes begun in 1991)
Sponsor: Independent, with primary support from Lithuania Christian Fund and LCC International Funds in both Canada and the United States.
Location: Klaipeda
Mission: To provide a Christian liberal arts education within a diverse learning community that transforms people for servant leadership; to engage students in a transforming educational experience in order to create a generation of leaders for Eastern Europe who think critically, promote democratic ideals, develop a market economy, and re-build the network of civil society within the context of a Christian worldview.
Degrees: Bachelors and masters
Curriculum: Liberal arts with bachelor degree programs in Theology, English Language and Literature, Psychology and Business Administration; Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural, regional (Eastern Europe) and international
President: Marlene Wall. Email:
Academic Vice President: Lowell Gretebeck. Email:
St. Petersburg Christian University
Founded: 1990
Sponsor: International, interdenominational and evangelical Board of Directors
Mission: To prepare Christians for effective ministry and leadership in the church and society
Degrees: Certificate, bachelors and masters
Curriculum: Biblical and theological studies, history of Christianity, Christian ministry, leadership and management,
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural, regional and international
Rector: Vasil V. Ryzhof. Email:
Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs: Alexander Belyaev. Email:
Theologisches Seminar Bienenberg (TSB)
Founded: 1950 as the European Mennonite Bible School in Basel by the Mennonite Churches of France, Germany and Switzerland, supported by Mennonite Central Committee. Moved to Bienenberg in 1957.
Sponsor: Ausbildungs und Tagungszentrum Bienenberg (Study and Conference Centre Bienenberg)
Location: Liestal
Mission: To transform persons with a distinctive commitment to social responsibility and engagement with issues of peace and reconciliation rooted in the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition
Degrees: Certificate, diploma, bachelors, masters (in association with the University of Wales)
Curriculum: (French and German) Biblical and theological studies, discipleship, Anabaptist studies, peace theology and practice
Student Body: Multi-denominational, regional and international
Director: (German Seminary) Frieder Boller. Email:
Director: (French Seminary) Denis Kennel. Email:
Director: (Postgraduate Programme) Bernhard Ott.
Administrator: (Undergraduate Programme) Lukas Amstutz.
Faculdade Fidelis
Founded: 2004 (Successor to the Bible Institute of Paraná (IBP) and the Evangelical Theological Institute (ITE): 1961 – 1972; and the Bible Institute and Seminary (ISBIM): 1972 – 2004)
Sponsors: Mennonite Brethren (COBIM), Mennonite (AIMB), Evangelical Mennonite Association (AEM) and Evangelical Free (CIELB) churches of Brazil, and Mennonite Educational Foundation (FEM)
Location: Curitiba
Mission: To impart biblical knowledge in order to form persons knowledgeable and sensitive to the teachings of God and who can then use this knowledge as guiding principles in service to the church and society
Degrees: Bachelor of Theology
Curriculum: Biblical, theological, ministry and postgraduate (continuing education)
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and international
Director: Arthur Dück. Email:

Centro de Desarrollo Ministerial
Sponsor: Mennonite Brethren Churches of Colombia
Mission: To train pastors and church leaders
Director: Nelson Mosquera. Email:

Centro Biblico Teologico
Sponsor: Mennonite Brethren Churches of Colombia
Mission: To train pastors and church leaders
Director: Francisco Mosquera. Email:

Seminario Biblico Menonita de Colombia (SBMC)
Founded: 1990
Sponsor: Mennonite Church of Colombia
Location: Bogota
Mission: Mennonite Biblical Seminary of Colombia is an institution of theological education in the Mennonite Church based on biblical and theological principles of the Radical Reformation characterized by emphasis on following Jesus, radical ecclesiology, ministry of everyone and the theology of nonviolence and peace.
Degrees: Diploma and Bachelor of Theological Sciences (Certificate in Theology, Professor of Theology, Advanced Diploma in Theology)
Curriculum: Biblical, theological, historical and pastoral studies; Discipleship Program and The School for Peace program
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and international
Website: Not available
Administrator: Zarai Gonzalia. Email :

Latin America Anabaptist Seminary (SEMILLA)
Founded: 1983
Sponsor: Ten Anabaptist/Mennonite conferences in Central America and Mexico
Location: Guatemala City and 12 centers throughout the region
Mission: To prepare men and women to follow and serve Jesus Christ faithfully and, thus, to live out the kingdom of God with justice and peace today.
Degrees: Certificate, and bachelor degree
Curriculum: Biblical, theological and pastoral training in a distance education model
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural, regional and international
Rector: Willi Hugo Pérez. Email:
Academic Dean: Rafael Escobar Rosal. Email:

Mennonite Schools of the Universidad Evangélica del Paraguay (Evangelical University of Paraguay) founded in 1995:
Rector of the University: Alfred Neufeld. Email:

Instituto Biblico Asunción (IBA)
Founded: 1964
Sponsor: Mennonite Brethren Churches of Paraguay
Location: Asunción
Mission: To equip men and women called to Christian service and ministry with theological tools appropriate to the context of Paraguay and Latin America for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God and transforming society.
Degrees: Bachelor of Theology and Diploma in Christian Education and Youth Ministry
Curriculum: Courses offered in Bible, theology, ministry, missiology, Christian education, youth ministry and communication.
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and international
Director General: Victor Wall. Email:
Director Académico: Flavio Florentín. Email:
Librarian: Benjamin Shurance. Shurance is the Editor of the quarterly Global Education Newsletter (GEN). Email:

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FAHCE)
Founded: 1998
Sponsorship: Mennonite Brethren Churches of Paraguay
Location: Asunción
Mission: Prepare school teachers and social workers with academic excellence and Christian convictions in order to give meaningful contributions to the kingdom of God and Paraguayan society through a Christ-like attitude of service.
Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Social Work
Curriculum: Education and social work
Student Body: Multi-denominational and multi-cultural
Dean: Gerson Cabral. Email:

Facultad de Lenguas Vivas
Founded: 1997
Sponsorship: Mennonite Brethren Churches of Paraguay
Location: Asunción
Mission: Pursue academic and educational excellence through training at all levels of education, promoting advancement and spreading of the national and international languages.
Derees: Bachelor of Arts in English with emphasis on teaching, Bachelor of Arts in English with emphasis in translation
Curriculum: EFL education, English-Spanish translation
Student Body: Multi-denominational and multi-cultural
Dean: Andrea Dueck. Email:

Centro Evangelico Mennonita de Teologia Asuncion (CEMTA)
Founded: 1977 (successor to the Mennonite Seminary in Montevideo, Uruguay: 1956-1974)
Sponsors: Mennonite churches of Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay
Location: San Lorenzo near Asuncion
Mission: To know, love and serve God by preparing men and women for the various ministries and services of the church and society based on a Biblical and Anabaptist approach.
Degrees: Diploma, associate, bachelors and masters
Curriculum: Biblical, theological, ministry, Christian education and music
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and international
CEO-CEMTA: Helmut Siemens. Email:
Dean of the Faculty of Theology: Werner Franz. Email:
Dean of the Faculty of Music: Heinz Fast. Email:

Canadian Mennonite University
Founded: 1998 (successor to Concord College – formerly MB Bible College, founded in 1944 – and the Canadian Mennonite Bible College, founded in 1947. Menno Simons College, founded in 1988 in affiliation with the University of Winnipeg, continues as a school of the university.)
Sponsors: Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba and Mennonite Church Canada
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba; the “Outtatown School of Discipleship” in other places
Mission: CMU is a Christian university, rooted in the Anabaptist tradition, moved by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, and through teaching, research, and service inspires women and men for lives of service, leadership, and reconciliation.
Degrees: Non-degree, bachelors and masters
Curriculum: Biblical and theological studies, liberal arts, professional and international
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural, national and international
President: Cheryl Pauls. Email:
Vice-President, Academic: Gordon Zerbe. Email:
Dean of Humanities & Sciences: Paul Dyck. Email:
Dean of the School of Music: Dietrich Bartel. Email:
Dean of Social Sciences: Richard McCutcheon. Email:

Columbia Bible College
Founded: 1971 (successor to South Abbotsford Mennonite Brethren Bible School, 1936-1943; Bethel Bible School, 1943-1955; Mennonite Brethren Bible Institute, 1955-1971; and Columbia Bible Institute following the merger in 1970-71 with the British Columbia Mennonite school, Bethel Bible Institute, founded in 1939)
Sponsors: Mennonite Brethren Church of British Columbia and Mennonite Church of British Columbia
Location: Abbotsford, British Colombia
Mission: To prepare people for a life of discipleship, service and ministry in the contemporary world.
Degrees: Certificate, diploma, and bachelors
Curriculum: Biblical and theological studies, caregiving and counseling, early childhood education, intercultural studies, outdoor leadership, worship arts, church and youth ministry, continuing education
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural, national and international
President: Bryan Born. Email:
Academic Dean: Doug Berg. Email:

Conrad Grebel University College
Founded: Chartered in 1961, first classes in 1963 (formerly Conrad Grebel College in affiliation with the University of Waterloo)
Sponsor: Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada (MCEC)
Location: Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario
Mission: To seek wisdom, nurture faith, and pursue justice and peace in service to church and society.
Degrees: Undergraduate degrees are from the University of Waterloo. The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree is offered through Conrad Grebel University College.
Curriculum: Biblical and theological studies, liberal arts, and the College is home to the University’s bachelor degree programs in Music and Peace and Conflict Studies.
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural, national and international
President (interim): Jim Pankratz. Email:
Academic Dean (interim): Marlene Epp. Email:

École de Théologie Évangelique du Québec (ETEQ)
Founded: 1976 (as Institute Biblique Laval – IBL)
Sponsor: Quebec Association of Mennonite Brethren Churches (AEFMQ)
Location: Montréal, Quebec
Mission: To provide quality training to all Christians wishing to deepen their faith and increase their understanding of Scripture in preparation for mission in the context of a complex culture.
Degrees: Certificate and bachelors in association with Institut Biblique Vie (IBVIE) and the Université Laval Faculty of Theology and Religious Sciences
Curriculum: Biblical and theological studies, religious studies, practical theology
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and regional
Rectrice: Kristen Corrigan. Email:
Academic Dean (ETEM-IBVIE): Jean (John) Martin. Email:

Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, Canada
Founded: 2010 (formerly a branch of MB Biblical Seminary, Fresno, California)
Sponsor: Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Location: Langley, British Columbia in association with ACTS Seminaries on the campus of Trinity Western University and in Winnipeg, Manitoba in association with the Winnipeg Centre for Ministry Studies (WCMS) on the campus of Canadian Mennonite University.
Mission: To train and equip men and women to serve and lead in the church and the world
Degrees: Certificate and masters, offered through ACTS – Trinity Western University in Langley, and the Centre for Ministry Studies – Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg
Curriculum: Biblical, theological, pastoral and ministry studies, and continuing education
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural, national and international
President: Mark Wessner. Email:
Associate Dean: Brian Cooper. Email:
Program Director of Graduate School of Theology and Ministry: Pierre Gilbert.

Steinbach Bible College
Founded: 1936
Sponsorship: Christian Mennonite Conference, Evangelical Mennonite Conference, Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference, Mennonite Brethren Conference of Manitoba
Location: Steinbach, Manitoba
Mission: SBC is an evangelical Anabaptist college empowering servant leaders to follow Jesus, serve the church, and engage the world.
Degrees: Certificate, associate, and bachelors
Curriculum: Biblical, theological, pastoral and ministry studies, counseling, liberal arts, TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and regional
President: Rob Reimer. Email:
Academic Dean: Terry Hiebert. Email:

Fresno Pacific University
Founded: 1944 as Pacific Bible Institute, 1960 as Pacific College and subsequently Fresno Pacific College, 1997 as Fresno Pacific University
Sponsor: Pacific District Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Location: Fresno, California with centers in North Fresno, Visalia, Bakersfield and Merced
Mission: To develop students for leadership and service through excellence in Christian higher education. As an institution of the Pacific District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches, the university communicates a distinctively biblical, Christ-centered vision of interdisciplinary and liberal arts based baccalaureate, graduate and continuing education to strengthen the church and improve society.
Degrees: Bachelor and master’s degrees, including adult degree completion, certificate and credentialing programs
Curriculum: Biblical and religious studies, liberal arts, professional studies and continuing education
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and international
President: Pete Menjares. Email:
Provost: Stephen Varvis. Email:
Dean of the School of the Humanities, Religion and Social Sciences: Kevin S. Reimer. Email:
Dean of the School of the Natural Sciences: Karen Cianci.
Dean of the School of Business: John Kilroy. Email:
Dean of the School of Education: Gary Gramenz. Email:

Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary
Founded: 2010 (successor to Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, founded in 1955)
Sponsor: United States Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Location: Fresno (a graduate school of Fresno Pacific University)
Mission: To inspire and equip men and women to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, and to serve and lead in the church and in the world.
Degrees: Certificate and masters
Curriculum: Biblical and theological studies, Christian ministry, intercultural mission, marriage-family-child counseling
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and international
Vice President: Lynn Jost. Email:

Fresno School of Mission
Founded: 2005 (Nzash Lumeya, Founding Director)
Sponsorship: Evangelical Churches
Location: Fresno
Mission: To equip Christians called to local/global evangelism
Degrees: Certificate and diploma in Inter-cultural Studies
Curriculum: Biblical Studies, missions, counseling and an intercultural internship
Student Body: Multi-denominational and multi-cultural
President: Nzash U. Lumeya. Email:

Tabor College
Founded: 1908
Sponsorship: United States Mennonite Brethren Central, Southern, Latin America and North Carolina conferences
Location: Hillsboro, and a center in Wichita, Kansas
Mission: “Preparing people for a life of learning, work, and service for Christ and His kingdom”
Degrees: Associate, bachelors and masters degrees, including adult degree completion and licensure programs
Curriculum: Biblical and religious studies, liberal arts and professional studies
Student Body: Multi-denominational, multi-cultural and international
President: Jules Glanzer. Email:
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean: Frank E. Johnson.