The church on mission through prayer

Confronting white privilege ICOMB director David Wiebe opened the week-long consultation on mission and prayer with a brief overview of Mennonite Brethren history, especially as it relates to the spread of our denomination around the world through missions. The outline … Read More

Reporting from the ICOMB consultation

An historic ICOMB consultation takes place this week in Thailand, but you are invited to join from wherever you are. Several participants will offer a taste of the consultation to the Mennonite Brethren family around the world by sharing their … Read More

Moving Mountains

  *David will bring the opening address to Thailand 2017 from Mark 11:20-25. Since many ICOMB readers will not get a chance to participate, David will use these next months to share from this message.*   Mark 11 tells the … Read More

Panama Summit 2016 Report

  Panama Summit: June 1-5. Our annual summit brought representatives from each member except Congo and Angola. Once again their delegates were defeated because of visa problems.  The Panama Church – Iglesia Evangelica Unida – hosted us very well. It … Read More

Congo Trip Report

David Wiebe arrived home from D.R. Congo just before Easter. Here he reports some of what he experienced from his 10 days in Congo.   Palm Sunday Surprises 1st surprise:  At 10 pm Saturday night I learned I was preaching … Read More

Singing and dancing with a water can

Performative worship songs in Angola teach Bible truth “Why is that woman carrying a huge water can on her head?” I thought to myself. “Why are people putting chairs on their heads? Or Bibles? What’s going on?” Everyone was on … Read More

The Fullness of Christ

I have preached on Ephesians 4:1-3 quite a few times recently. It describes the pathway to maintain unity of the Spirit in the church. It’s a simple message, really, requiring us to interact with humility, gentleness, patience and love. St. … Read More

British Columbia, Canada Visits

David preached in Bakerview MB church on Feb 14 for their Missions Sunday, on Luke 5:1-11 – Launch into the Deep Water as a mission calling. He also presented the work of ICOMB to about 150 adults in their “Current … Read More


Many of our members around the world have shown interest, provided donations, and prayed for our Congolese friends as they outlined and wrote a new curriculum for students Grades 1-12. These are Mennonite run schools – about 335 of them, serving … Read More

Ukraine study of International Confession of Faith (COF)

Maxym Oliferovsky is leading his church – New Hope in Zaporozhe – in the study of the newly translated (Russian language) International Confession. He wrote: I initiated this because many people in our church are either new (with no Christian … Read More

India – Critical Moment

  On March 14 an auction will be held by the Punjab National Bank to sell the Jadcherla property (56 acres) to the highest bidder. This is to pay off a loan which was taken by Dr. PB Arnold in … Read More

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